I’m doing this for him.
I’ve been growing my nails out for him.
It’s nice to do things for someone again…someone who will appreciate it.
Painting and picture taking are always easier with short nails but scratching a succulent sub’s body is more fun, so I grow them for him.
He doesn’t know it and he didn’t ask me to but I have been.
So much has happened in such a short amount of time but it’s still shiny and new so it remains exciting to talk about.
Try as I might I’m still holding on to the notion that he will change his mind, remember he’s a switch and loves being dominant more than submissive, thinks I’m not Mistressy enough for him, or any number of reasons that could lead to his disappearance from my life. I’m trying not to hold other submissive’s mistakes against him. A few bad subs don’t make the whole batch of them rotten right?
Writer sub and I have started his official training (read: Attempting to mold him into a good submissive for me). We previously decided that we would do a 60 day probationary period; I’ve designed 8 weeks of training for him. Each Sunday we’ll start his designated training, follow up with it throughout the week in various ways, and the following Sunday I will test him. His results will be available here, on this blog only, every Sunday evening. Sometimes you dear readers will know how well he’s done even before he does! Any test he fails, he will retake thus only setting himself back. At the end of the 60 days there will be an all encompassing test of all the training we’ve covered. This factored with our chemistry will solely determine whether we continue our relationship.
It may seem like a lot but I feel it is a small price to pay for what he will be getting in return: a fully competent, attentive, and creative Mistress. What more could a plump-bottomed subby boy want?
This week his training was slave positions. I have taught him 20 different positions. Between Bianca and myself we have worked his ass red going thru them over and over again. I tied him, untied him, spanked him, bit him, belted him, scratched him, pulled his hair, nibbled his nipples..all in the name of education of course! So, I have every confidence that he will impress me (and not disappoint Bianca’s hard work) by passing with flying colors.
Oh, yes all for education of course! Sounds like a wonderful 8 week course of training.
Haha yes, that's what I plan. Hopefully he doesn't tire out before then =)