S-Type Coaching

Are you one of many in our communities who are eager to be coached as an S-type?

Whether you believe there is or is not such a thing as “training” you can still learn certain skills that read as “training” through coaching to D-types and more. The overall goal is to be as useful and pleasing to someone as you can be, right?

The idea of training holds out the promise of all of these.

Beyond finding the “right” way to kneel, learning positions, rituals/protocols, and how to address others, I believe there is something more valuable. This is other kinds of training, including some that I believe really are transferable to submitting to most if not all dominant partners, and really can make you fundamentally better at submission.

Be warned though, those kinds of training tend to involve real effort and focus less on kneeling, posing and getting spanked.

Coachinging in Power Exchange (S-Types)

– Play Training –

Like play punishment, play training is a fantasy roleplay exercise. The real goal is to have a hot fun time, and you aren’t actually expected to learn anything. You will find the following within this training: Reward based tasks and goals, heavy power exchange mental awareness….and more

– Preference Training –

This is the non-transferable kind of training in the sorts of etiquette, protocol, rituals and such that a particular dominating partner prefers. This is taught as: Proper table setting low, medium, and high protocol, memory based devotion learning tactics, positive outlook mantra building…and more.

– Skill Training –

Beyond simple preference training, skill training is the acquisition of substantial skills that are likely to be useful in service to a dominant. There are so many skills to learn and explore that this is highly customizable but can include: Pain relief and erotic massage, cooking lessons, organization skills with decluttering focus…and more.

– Insight Training –

This is the kind training that I really enjoy. I believe that there is a kind of training that can help someone to become fundamentally better at submission–in ways that will be valuable to almost any dominating partner. Things such as: Intimate and interpersonal communication building, breaking down brassiness, healing trauma, discipline through self awareness…and more.

I have had the pleasure of dominating partners who have invested in these kinds of training, and the benefits are eye opening and dynamic enriching.

Feedback after completing one or more modules:

“I love giving service. Feeling like I’m useful makes me really happy and helps me feel like I’ve really earned my partner’s affection and attention.” – Aria, 22 MD

“If I serve well I want to be acknowledged for it–it’s that pat on the head that gives me what I’m looking for out of this.” – Jake, 36 PA

“I don’t like being punished. I want to be good. I wasn’t meeting my Master’s expectations and now I’ve worked hard to improve and feel better in my service.” – Bella, 43 NY

If I had known I could be shown how to do these things, even virtually I could’ve save so much time.” – Tim, 27 Ireland

They learned one of life’s most undervalued skills: Listening

Personally I can attest, it is a joy to dominate someone who has been well trained in some or all of these skills. We can go deeper into power exchange with more consistency and less risk of bad experiences, regardless of what kind of power exchange you want to practice from degradation to high protocol.

Are you ready to be lead to the submission you desire?

Sub(missive) Coaching might be for you!

I offer 100% customized coaching to curious submissives, bottoms, slaves and bottom leaning folx for professional or recreational purposes.

Coaching can be conducted virtually or in person and can include any or all of the four areas above depending on what you are seeking. Coaching sessions prices are based on your custom topics.

Contact me below to find out if I’m knowledgeable in other areas or to inquire about training prices! Rates start at $75/hour. I offer a sliding scale option as needed and as available.

Have specific questions? Book a one-time complimentary 15-minute call to see if we are a good fit!

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Looking for training on the other side of the whip? I offer Dom(me) Coaching sessions as well!

More vanilla coaching to better cultivate your live hurdles, relationship style with yourself or your partner(s) is available here.