D-Type Coaching

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be in charge?

Do you have a dominant fiery streak running through you, waiting to be kindled?

Do you think you might have what it takes to dish out orders instead of take them?

Dom(me) Coaching might be for you!

Coaching in Power Exchange (D-Types)

I offer 100% customized coaching to curious dominants and top leaning folx for educational, lifestyle or recreational (non pro-domination) purposes.

All coaching can be conducted virtually or in person within the following areas or more depending on your interests and needs:

  • BDSM Safety 101
  • Dungeon Equipment and Proper Usage
  • Inner Empowerment
  • Personal Image Creation (or Revival!) (Lifestyle domination only)
  • Lifestyle and Play Party Etiquette
  • Bondage Techniques
  • Creative Play
  • Networking Tips
  • Toy Bag Essentials
  • Setting Limits and Establishing Boundaries
  • Personal/Kinky Ad or Profile Writing
  • Web Design/Editing
  • Photo Editing
  • …and more!

Coaching sessions prices are based on your custom topics.

Contact me below to find out if I’m knowledgeable in other areas or to inquire about exact coaching prices! Rates start at $75/hour. I offer a sliding scale option as needed and as available.

Have specific questions? Book a one-time complimentary 15-minute call to see if we are a good fit!

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I also offer extensive coaching for the other end of the paddle with Sub(missive) Coaching

For something more vanilla to better cultivate your relationship style with yourself or your partner(s) I offer coaching sessions as well!